Coriander Oleoresin

Coriander is an annual, herbaceous plant which is originated from the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions. Various parts of this plant, such as seeds, leaves, flower and fruit, possess antioxidant activity, diuretic, anti‐convulsant, anti‐diabetic activity, anti‐mutagenic, anti‐microbial activity and anthelmintic activity. Linalool is the component present in coriander which helps in reducing muscle tension, anxiety and inflammation. Petroselenic acid is another component present in Coriander which is used as anti-aging and moisturizing agent in cosmetic formulation. It helps in lowering the blood sugar level by activating certain enzymes and it is a good appetizer. Coriander is primarily used in modern medicine as a flavouring agent.

Sources : Dried seeds of Coriandrum sativum.


  • SCFE extracts is used to flavour the beverages specially beer, soup and chocolate making.


  • It is rich in immune boosting antioxidants. Extracts from coriander seeds may accelerate and promote healthy digestion.